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Northern Blues "All Lands" Restoration Partnership - Virtual Partner Feedback Session (Copy) (Copy)

Earlier this year, we put out an internal request for restoration projects from the Wallowa Whitman and Umatilla National Forests to receive CFLRP (Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program) funding. We are currently reviewing proposals and plan to submit funding level recommendations to forest leadership by September 15th.

We will be holding three virtual sessions (August, 20, 22, 30) for partners to learn more about this effort and learn how to provide feedback. The Umatilla and Wallowa-Whitman National Forests are seeking feedback and input from the partnership about 1) Where partner projects align with proposed FS CFLRP projects to achieve cross-boundary restoration goals, and 2) Which FS CFLRP projects are of priority to our partners. 

Please find a project map, directions on how to add your own projects to the map, and agenda below.

For detailed instructions on how to add your projects to the map, click here.

Partner Project Map Input:

For those who would like to provide view the project map in advance of the sessions, you can find that link below along with a brief overview of how to add your own projects:

1.     Access the map here: Proposed CFLRP FY25 Project Map.

2.     Use the “edit” button (right side, pencil & paper icon) to edit the “Crowdsourced Projects FY 25” layer. 

3.     Each click will add a point to your project shape. Double clicking will complete the shape.

4.     A form will pop up where you can populate project information. Fill in as much information about your project as you know.

5.     Click “Create” and your project will appear on the map.

Proposed Agenda:

8:30am Introductions from Ops Team & Partnership & Round of Introductions

8:40am Background on the CFLRP and proposal selection process

8:45am Goals of the Partnership, why are we seeking feedback?

8:50am Overview of map and process for adding your own projects

9:10am Breakout Groups - walk through process of adding to the map with time for discussion

9:15am Follow up after sharing projects - how we will use this feedback moving into our selection process?

9:20am Questions and Closing 

August 22

Northern Blues "All Lands" Restoration Partnership - Virtual Partner Feedback Session (Copy)

October 24

All Lands Partnership Field Tour